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The First Garment is Done

I'm so sorry!  I thought I had posted this two weeks ago, and it's been sitting in the "save" file the whole time.

I'm back from my vacation.  The total eclipse was one of the most amazing sights I've ever seen in my life, and I urge you all, if you can, to see one.  

I spent the hour or so leading up to the eclipse sitting in a camp chair working on my drawers.   They look pretty comical before the waistband is put on. A couple of people were flummoxed when they asked what I was sewing, and I held up this enormous thing and told them it was underwear.

I still need to make a fingerloop braided tie for the front opening, but aside from that, they're done.  I love them, they're so comfy and pretty!

1 comment

  • Regina Romsey

    Margo I wear bicycle shorts (blush, look down and dig one toe in the ground). I can make real drawers but I can put underwear for outfits off nearly forever. Now I have to try.
    Are these split , or crotchless drawers? The difficulty of using the Necessary is always present when I’m in full skirts, bum roll and sometimes hoops.
    These are very full with the bottom of the leg fairly fitted? Is there any problem between the legs with rubbing, particularly when you are walking in “warm” weather, or are the inside seams held close to the leg with the fullness where I keep my fullnessfront and back?

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